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Aim Uncommon and rare hip diseases are sources of pain and functional limitation particularly in young patients. Some of these conditions may be nowadays treated by arthroscopy due to the expertise and technical tips that high-volume hip arthroscopies have achieved during the last decades ensuring a wider range of indications for such a procedure. ...

By Christian Carulli, Alberto Schiavo, Alberto Rigon, Wondi De Marchi, Matteo Innocenti, Luigi Meccariello, Massimo Innocenti

Aim Evacuation through burr hole craniostomy is the most common type of chronic subdural hematoma surgical treatment,with a morbidity rate of 0-9%.Methods Here we present a case of 66-year-old Caucasian woman with bilateral hemispheric chronic subdural hematoma andleft transtentorial uncal herniation. Bilateral burr hole craniostomy with gradual an...

By Rodolfo Corinaldesi, Corrado Filippo Castrioto, Francesca Romana Barbieri, Luciano Mastronardi, Umberto Ripani

Aim Distal radius/forearm fractures in adolescent patients remain challenging injuries to treat. Distal radius/forearm bony anatomy is not completely restored with intramedullary K wire fixation. The aim of this study was to compare radiographic and functional outcomes obtained using intramedullary K wire fixation and open reduction and internal fi...

By Salvatore Di Giacinto, Giuseppe Pica, Alessandro Stasi, Lorenzo Scialpi, Alessandro Tomarchio, Alberto Galeotti, Vlora Podvorica, Annamaria dell’Unto, Luigi Meccariello

Aim There are more and more herbal preparations that are used for the purpose of treatment and improvement of the clinical manifestation of vaginitis not only by patients themselves, but also by healthcare professionals. Plant species, St. John’s wort, chamomile, calendula, yarrow, shepherd’s purse and tea tree oil are all well known fo...

By Kemal Durić, Selma Kovčić Hadžiabdić, Mahira Durić, Haris Nikšić, Alija Uzunović, Hurija Džudžević Čančar

09.10.2020. Review paper Biochemistry
Traumatic bilateral scaphoid fractures

Aim To illustrate the surgical treatment of bilateral post-traumatic scaphoid fracture.Methods We came across a young student, who sustained bilateral, undisplaced scaphoid waist fractures following a fall during afootball match. Despite careful clinical and radiographic evaluation by four views at the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department, w...

By Dariush Ghargozloo, Alessandro Tomarchio, Mauro Ballerini, Gianpaolo Chitoni

Aim Scrotal bruises are quite frequent injuries affecting young subjects, with psychological repercussions on body image and fertility. The interest of ultrasound in the context of the emergency remains controversial. The aim of our study was to investigate clinical, ultrasonographic and operative features of scrotal contusions, and to evaluate the...

By Stefano Manno, Antonio Cicione, Lorenzo Bagalà, Antonio Catricalà, Piero Ronchi, Simona Tiburzi, Carolina Giannace, Lucio Dell’Atti

Aim A metabolic syndrome (MetS) increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes mellitus type 2, thus the aim of this study is tocorrelate the clinical and laboratory parameters in patients suffering from MetS who have previously had education compared to patients who have not had any education about a healthy lifestyle, and to check their knowled...

By Azra Bureković, Elvira Đozo, Anida Divanović

09.10.2020. Review paper Biochemistry
Posthumous sperm retrieval: a procreative revolution

Aim Postmortem sperm retrieval with consequent artificial insemination has become a technically possible option for future use in assisted reproductive technology (ART). The authors have set out to discuss the social and ethical significance of posthumous sperm retrieval, and the laws currently in force in Italy, the United Statesand elsewhere.Meth...

By Francesca Negro, Renata Beck, Antonella Cotoia, Maria Cristina Varone

Aim To evaluate the efficacy of systemic plus local tranexamic acid (TXA) in reducing post-operative bleeding, haemoglobin loss and the need for allogeneic blood transfusion (ABT) in total knee arthroplasty (TKA).Methods All patients undergoing TKA between January 2017 and September 2019 were retrospectively evaluated. Exclusion criteria were cardi...

By Lidia De Falco, Elisa Troiano, Martina Cesari, Pietro Aiuto, Giacomo Peri, Nicolò Nuvoli, Mattia Fortina, Nicola Mondanelli, Stefano Giannotti

AimTo investigate the efficacy of Zhu acupuncture in motoric ability improvement of stroke patients. This research is a preliminary study in an effort to test the efficacy of Zhu's acupuncture technique in motor improvement in stroke patients.Methods This quasi-experimental study, with the pretest and posttest approach without control group design ...

By Indri Seta Septadina, Erial Bahar

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