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Aim To investigate how immigrants from the Balkan region experienced their current life situation after living in Sweden for 30 years or more. Methods The study was designed as a qualitative study using data from interviews with informants from five Balkan countries. The inclusion criteria were informants who were immigrants to Sweden and had ...

By Ferid Krupić, Monika Moravcova, Emina Dervišević, Svemir Čustović, Kemal Grbić, Parvaneh Lindström

Aim To explore the experiences of registered nurses in assessing postoperative pain in hip fracture patients suffering from dementia in nursing homes. Methods The study was designed as a qualitative study using data from a self-reported questionnaire form. Data were collected through the self-administered questionnaire with 23 questions, mainly add...

By Ferid Krupić, Mirza Bišćević, Emina Spahić, Amila Jašarević, Mahir Jašarević, Kemal Grbić, Eric Hamrin-Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Svemir Čustović, Olof Westin

Aim To compare the localization of lung adenocarcinoma with tumour size and lymphovascular invasion (LVI) presence, and to determine the frequency of metastasis findings in hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes depending on the localization of the tumour and status of lymphovascular invasion. Method This observational cross-sectional study included 261...

By Kemal Grbić, Bakir Mehić

Aim To examine whether preoperative tumour size may serve as a biomarker for the occurrence of lymphovascular invasion (LVI) in centrally and peripherally located lung adenocarcinoma. Method The study included 261 patients surgically treated for diagnosed lung adenocarcinoma. A ROC curve was used to determine the biomarker potential of tumour size ...

By Kemal Grbić, Bakir Mehić, Dalma Udovičić-Gagula, Amina Valjevac, Adem Ćemerlić, Ferid Krupić

Aim To investigate existence of scientific support for linking differences in the experience of pain to ethnicity. Methods The study was designed as a systematic literature review of qualitative and quantitative studies. The inclusion criteria were scientific studies published in scientific journals and written in English. Studies that described ch...

By Ferid Krupić, Svemir Čustović, Mahir Jašarević, Sahmir Šadić, Mirsad Fazlić, Kemal Grbic, Kristian Samuelsson

Aim To explore the experiences of anaesthesia nurses in assessing postoperative pain in patients undergoing total hip and/or knee arthroplasty. MethodsData were collected through four focus group interviews (FGI) using the critical incident technique (CIT). The participants were six men and 12 women, all registered nurses with further education in ...

By Ferid Krupić, Kemal Grbić, Mirza Bišćević, Mahir Jašarević, Svemir Čustović, Sebastian S. Mukka

Aim To explore the experience of anaesthetist nurses in brief meetings with immigrant patients in the perioperative setting. Methods The study was conducted through open individualised interviews using open-ended questions. Eighteen anaesthetist nurses (six men and twelve women) participated in the interviews. Their age varied between 35 and 65 and...

By Ferid Krupić, Kemal Grbić, Svemir Čustović, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Kristian Samuelsson

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.