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An epidemiological study of neuroendocrine tumours at tertiary hospitals in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Maja Konrad Čustović Orcid logo ,
Maja Konrad Čustović
Contact Maja Konrad Čustović

Pathology Department, Polyclinic for Laboratory Diagnostics, University Clinical Centre of Tuzla , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ermina Iljazović ,
Ermina Iljazović

Pathology Department, Polyclinic for Laboratory Diagnostics, University Clinical Centre of Tuzla , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Azra Sadiković ,
Azra Sadiković

Pathology Department, Polyclinic for Laboratory Diagnostics, University Clinical Centre of Tuzla , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Zinaida Karasalihović
Zinaida Karasalihović

Pathology Department, Polyclinic for Laboratory Diagnostics, University Clinical Centre of Tuzla , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina


Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) are a heterogeneous group of tumours with varying clinical expression and behaviour. Because of indolent behaviour of NENs, reviewing and evaluation of epidemiological characteristics is a challenge. The aim of this study was to assess prevalence of NENs at tertiary hospitals considering age, gender, location, and grade.
Electronic files were used for a retrospective assessment of the patients with NENs of the gastroenteropancreatic tract and
bronchopulmonary system in tertiary hospitals in Bosnia and Herzegovina over the past 15 years (2005-2020).
Among 438 patients, 291(66.4%) were males and 147 (33.6%) females; the median age was 62 years. The lungs were
the most frequent site, 304 (69.4%), followed by the pancreas, 22 (5.0%), colon, 14 (3.2%), stomach, 13 (2.9%), appendix,
13 (2.9%), rectum,11 (2.5%), small intestine, eight (1.8%) and gallbladder, one (0.2%). Metastases were most frequently found in the liver, 35 (8%) and lymph nodes, 15 (3.42%).
The results were largely consistent with those in literature, including age, gender, location, and the degree of differentiation. Most metastases originated from high-grade tumours and greater impairment of the liver.


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