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Review paper

Efficacy and safety of iris-supported phakic lenses (Verisyse) for treating moderately high myopia

Melisa Ahmedbegović Pjano ,
Melisa Ahmedbegović Pjano
Contact Melisa Ahmedbegović Pjano

Eye Clinic ‘’Svjetlost’’ , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Amila Alikadić-Husović ,
Amila Alikadić-Husović

Eye Clinic ‘’Svjetlost’’ , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Senad Grišević ,
Senad Grišević

Eye Clinic ‘’Svjetlost’’ , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Adis Pašalić ,
Adis Pašalić

University Eye Clinic Svjetlost , Zagreb , Croatia

Ajla Pidro ,
Ajla Pidro

Eye Clinic ‘’Svjetlost’’ , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mirko Ratković ,
Mirko Ratković

University Eye Clinic Svjetlost, Zagreb , Zagreb , Croatia

Maja Bohač ,
Maja Bohač

University Eye Clinic Svjetlost, Zagreb , Zagreb , Croatia

Nikica Gabrić ,
Nikica Gabrić

University Eye Clinic Svjetlost, Zagreb , Zagreb , Croatia

Refet Gojak
Refet Gojak

Clinical Center, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina


To evaluate efficacy and safety of iris-supported phakic lenses (Verisyse) for treating moderately high myopia.
This prospective clinical study included 40 eyes from 29 patients, who underwent implantation of Verisyse for correction of
myopia from -6.00 to -14.50 diopters (D) in the Eye Clinic ‘’Svjetlost’’, Sarajevo, from January 2011 to January 2014. Uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), manifest residual spherical equivalent (MRSE), postoperative astigmatism, intraocular pressure (IOP), endothelial cell (EC) density were evaluated at one, three, six and twelve months. Corrected visual acuity (CDVA), index of safety and efficacy were evaluated after 12 months.
Out of 29 patients 15 were males and 14 females, with mean age of 27.9 ± 5.0. After 12 months 77.5% eyes had UDVA
≥ 0.5 and 32.5% had UDVA ≥ 0.8. Mean MRSE was 0.55D ±0.57D and mean postoperative astigmatism -0.86D ± 0.47D. Efficacy index was 1.09 ± 0.19 and safety index 1.18 ± 0.21. One eye (2.5%) lost two Snellen lines and three eyes (7.5%) one line, 11 eyes (27.5%) gained one line, and five eyes (15.5%) gained two lines. EC loss after 12 months was 7.59 ± 3.05%. There was no significant change of IOP after one year follow up.
Implantation of iris-supported phakic lenses (Verisyse) for treating moderately high myopia is an efficient and safe procedure.


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Efikasnost i sigurnost iris-fiksirajućih fakičnih leća (Verisyse) za tretman srednjevisoke miopije Melisa Ahmedbegović Pjano 1 , Amila Alikadić-Husović 1 , Senad Grišević 1 , Adis Pašalić 2 , Ajla Pidro 1 , Mirko Ratković 2 , Maja Bohač 2 , Nikica Gabrić 2 n.d.
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