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Review paper

Application of high viscosity bone cement in vertebroplasty for treatment of painful vertebral body fracture

Saša Rapan ,
Saša Rapan
Contact Saša Rapan

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University Hospital Centre Osijek , Osijek , Croatia

Karin Krnić ,
Karin Krnić

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University Hospital Centre Osijek , Osijek , Croatia

Vjeran Rapan ,
Vjeran Rapan

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University Hospital Centre Osijek , Osijek , Croatia

Vjekoslav Kolarević
Vjekoslav Kolarević

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University Hospital Centre Osijek , Osijek , Croatia


To evaluate the effectiveness and complication of vertebroplasty with high viscosity cement (HVC).
The patients with intensive pain caused by a fractured vertebrae were treated by application of HVC into the vertebral
body, through unilateral transpedicular approach. The application was performed in 422 patients (221 were treated for osteoporosis and 201 for malignancy) on 846 vertebrae.
Preoperative Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score was 8.35 and 2.21 (p<0.00001) 24 hours after surgery and 3 months later,
respectively. There was no serious intra- and post-surgery complication. By diascopy during the surgery in 121 (14.3%) vertebrae cement leakage from the fractured vertebral body was evidenced, which did not cause any aggravation of patients’ clinical status.
Vertebroplasty with HVC is a method that successfully combines all advantages of this method but it also minimizes the risk of extra-ossal cement leakage which makes it significantly safer for the surgeon and for the patient as well.


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Aplikacija visokoviskoznog koštanog cementa u vertebroplastici u liječenju bolnog prijeloma trupa kralješka Saša Rapan, Karin Krnić, Vjeran Rapan. Vjekoslav Kolarević Medicinski fakultet Osijek.
Metode Pacijenti s jakom boli zbog prijeloma trupa kralješka liječeni su aplikacijom visokoviskoznog cementa (HVC) u trup kralješka unilateralnim transpedikularnim pristupom. Cement je apliciran kod 422 pacijenta.
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