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Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is influenced by genetic factor, microorganism's virulence, and environmental factor. The aim of this study was to determine human leukocyte (HLA)-DRB1 allele among children with RHD in Medan, Indonesia. Methods An observational study was conducted at the Department of Child Health, Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan from ...

By Tina Christina Lumban Tobing, Teddy Ontoseno, Sri Endah Rahayuningsih, Ratna Akbari Ganie, Yahwardiah Siregar

Aim To assess endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene (G894T) polymorphism and nitric oxide (NO) level in hypertensive diabetic Bataknese patients.Methods A hospital-based, case control study (hypertensive and normotensive diabetic patient) was conducted. Genotyping ofeNOS gene (G894T) was done using polymerase chain reactionrestriction fragm...

By Jelita Siregar, Ratna Akbari Ganie, Dharma Lindarto, Erna Mutiara, Delfitri Munir

Aim Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is a disease mostly caused by Candida albicans and affects the quality of life of women especially in the form of chronic recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC). Nigella sativa is known to have several effects such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immune stimulation and anticancer properties. The aim of thi...

By Muhammad Rusda, Muhammad Fidel Ganis Siregar, Aznan Lelo, Syafruddin Ilyas, Ratna Akbari Ganie, Yusuf Effendi, Poppy Anjelisa Zaitun Hasibuan, Raden Roro Lia Iswara

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.