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Single-centre experience with the treatment of high-prevalence metabolic syndrome in kidney transplant patients in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Maida Dugonjić-Taletović Orcid logo ,
Maida Dugonjić-Taletović

Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation, Clinic for Internal Diseases , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Denijal Tulumović ,
Denijal Tulumović

Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation, Clinic for Internal Diseases , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mirna Alečković-Halilović ,
Mirna Alečković-Halilović

Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation, Clinic for Internal Diseases , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mirha Pjanić ,
Mirha Pjanić
Contact Mirha Pjanić

Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation, Clinic for Internal Diseases , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mithad Hajder ,
Mithad Hajder

Department of Endocrinology, Clinic for Internal Diseases , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Alma Halilčević-Terzić ,
Alma Halilčević-Terzić

Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation, Clinic for Internal Diseases , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Danijela Lončar ,
Danijela Lončar

Department of Cardiology, Clinic for Internal Diseases , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Amila Jašarević
Amila Jašarević

Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation, Clinic for Internal Diseases , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina


To analyse prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in kidney transplant recipients at the University Clinical Centre Tuzla in
Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and determine effects of a modern drug therapy in achieving target metabolic control in kidney transplant patients.
A single-centre prospective study that included 142 kidney transplant patients over one year follow-up period was conducted. Patient data were collected during post-transplant periodical controls every 3 months including data from medical records, clinical examinations and laboratory analyses.
Out of 142 kidney transplant patients, MS was verified in 85 (59.86%); after a pharmacologic treatment MS frequency was
decreased to 75 (52.81%). After a one-year period during which patients were receiving therapy for MS, a decrease in the number of patients with hyperlipoproteinemia, decrease in average body mass index (BMI), glycemia and haemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) were observed. Hypertension did not improve during this period, which can be explained by transplant risk factors in the form of immunosuppressive drugs and chronic graft dysfunction.
A significant reduction in components of the metabolic syndrome after only one year of treatment was recorded, which
should be the standard care of kidney transplant patients.


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