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Review paper

Relationship of recovered hepatitis B infection with appearance of toxic propylthiouracil hepatitis

Lejla Čalkić ,
Lejla Čalkić
Contact Lejla Čalkić

Department of Infectious Diseases, Cantonal Hospital, Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Lejla Bajramović-Omeragić
Lejla Bajramović-Omeragić

Department of Infectious Diseases, Cantonal Hospital, Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina


To investigate the relationship between recovered hepatitis B infection with appearance of toxic propylthiouracil (PTU) hepatitis and point out the growing importance of the use of drugs in the development of hepatitis.
A case of a 45-year-old female patient with suspicion of acute viral hepatitis who had polypragmasy of drugs in the last ten
years, due to the polymorphism of symptoms/illnesses (diabetes mellitus, depression, hypertension, hypothyroidism) was presented.
A female patient had hyperthyroidism after resolved viral hepatitis B with HBsAg seroconversion (HBsAg negative, antiHBs positive). PTU had the greatest potential for hepatotoxicity of all administered drugs. After corticosteroid therapy there was a
significant improvement in liver function tests. In the course of the disease there was no change of hepatitis markers and exacerbations of hepatitis B.
Clinical practice should comprehensively monitor the effects of the intricate and tight connection between drugs, liver
and endocrine system in order to better resolve all manifestations, complications and worsening of one or another organic system.


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Povezanost prebolovanog hepatitisa B s nastankom toksičnog hepatitisa uzrokovanog propiltiouracilom Lejla Čalkić, Lejla Bajramović-Omeragić Služba za zarazne bolesti, Kantonalna bolnica Zenica SAŽETAK Cilj Istražiti odnos između toksičnog hepatitisa uzrokovanog propiltiouracilom (PTU) i prebolovanog hepatitisa B, te ukazati na sve veći značaj upotrebe lijekova u nastanku hepatitisa. Metode Prikazan je slučaj 45-godišnje bolesnice koja je, u zadnjih desetak godina n.d.
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