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Mental diseases and criminal offences committed by persons placed at the Forensic Department of the Penitentiary in Zenica, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Edin Bjelošević Orcid logo ,
Edin Bjelošević
Contact Edin Bjelošević

Mental Healthcare Centre, Healthcare Centre Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Adisa Krehmić ,
Adisa Krehmić

School of Medicine, University of Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Halima Hadžikapetanović ,
Halima Hadžikapetanović

Mental Healthcare Centre, Healthcare Centre Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sanel Čoralić ,
Sanel Čoralić

Forensic Department, Zenica Penitentiary , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sonja Bjelošević
Sonja Bjelošević

Mental Healthcare Centre, Healthcare Centre Zenica , Zenica , Bosnia and Herzegovina


To investigate an impact of various biological, psychological and social factors on perpetration of criminal offences by persons with mental disorders and to examine legal requirements for placement of persons with mental disorders, who committed criminal offences.
This retrospective, descriptive study based on the analysis of data collected from records of the Zenica Penitentiary, Forensic Department (age, qualifications, employment status, marital status, mental disorders, information related to earlier treatments, type of committed criminal offense, duration of the security measure of mandatory psychiatric treatment and custody) included 154 examinees.
The study included 154 male examinees. An average age of the examinees was 34 years. An average duration spent at the Forensic Department was 3 years, murder was committed by 68 (44.15%) examinees, and 34 (22.07%) examinees committed attempted murder. Eighty-five (55. 19 %) examinees suffered from schizophrenia, 30 (19.48%) had delusional disorder, and 19 (12.33%) had mental retardation.
The highest number of committed crimes was in correlation with schizophrenia, (the highest number of examinees suffered from schizophrenia). It is necessary to work on the establishment of a forensic hospital in the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to create good conditions for rehabilitation of patients with mental disorders who committed criminal offences.


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Metode U ovom retrospektivnom deskriptivnom istraživanju analizirani su podaci prikupljeni iz protokola Forenzičkog odjela Kazneno-popravnog zavoda Zenica (dob, školska sprema, radni status, bračno stanje, mentalni poremećaji, podaci koji se odnose na ranije liječenje, vrsta počinjenog krivičnog djela, trajanje mjere bezbjednosti obaveznog psihijatrijskog liječenja i čuvanja) za 154 ispitanika. Rezultati Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 154 ispitanika (muškaraca) prosječne starosne dobi 34 godine. Prosječan broj godina provedenih na Forenzičkom odjelu je 3 godine; ubistvo je počinilo 68 (44,15%) ispitanika, a 34 (22,07%) pokušaj ubistva. Od shizofrenije je bolovalo 85 (55,19%) ispitanika, 30 (19,48%) je imalo sumanuti poremećaj, a 19 (12,33%) mentalnu retardaciju. Zaključak Najveći broj počinjenih djela bio je u korelaciji sa shizofrenijom (najveći broj ispitanika bolovao je od shizofrenije). Potrebno je raditi na podizanju forenzičke bolnice na području Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, kako bi se osigurali dobri uvjeti za rehabilitaciju psihičkih bolesnika koji su počinili krivično djelo n.d.
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