Aim To determine the effectiveness of avocado peel extract (Persea americana Mill) as an antifungal against T. rubrum, which causes dermatophytosis. Methods In vitro laboratory experimental study using a post-testonly control group design analysed active compounds of avocado peel and continued with the antifungal activity test. In each group divided according to the concentration of 0% (negative control), 12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, 50%, 62.5%, 75%, and positive control (2% ketoconazole) antifungal activity test was carried out using the fungus T. rubrum ATCC 28188 for five repetitions. Results The avocado peel extract contained phenolic compounds, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, alkaloids, terpenoids, and glycosides. Antifungal activity test showed a significant difference with the highest mean inhibition zone diameter of T. rubrum, which was demonstrated at a concentration of 75%. Conclusion Avocado peel extract is useful to inhibit growth of Trichophyton rubrum in dose dependent.
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