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Aim To analyse the long-term impact of altered metabolism on the level of mediators of inflammatory response in female patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods This study included 97 female patients with type 2 diabetes and 107 female, nondiabetic control subjects, who were recruited at the Clinical Centre University of Sarajevo and the General Hospi...

By Maja Malenica, Mira Šilar, Tanja Dujić, Tamer Bego, Sabina Semiz, Selma Škrbo, Besim Prnjavorac, Adlija Čaušević

Aim To investigate association of two LPIN1 gene variations with main traits of metabolic syndrome (MS) (waist circumference,body mass index, blood pressure, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol and fasting glucose levels) in population from Bosnia and Herzegovina.Methods This study included 43 patients with metabolic syndrome and 43 healthy controls fro...

By Tamer Bego, Tanja Dujić, Barbara Mlinar, Sabina Semiz, Maja Malenica, Besim Prnjavorac, Barbara Ostanek, Janja Marc, Anida Čaušević-Ramoševac, Adlija Čaušević

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.