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Lenticulostriate vasculopathy (LSV) is a relatively common fi nding in routine cranial ultrasound examination that has been associated with many infectious and non-infectious conditions. The aim of this review was to provide a better understanding of LSV ultrasound fi nding, as well as the need for further laboratory and imaging examinations in inf...

By Suada Heljić, Hajrija Maksić, Sabina Terzic

Aim To compare intraoperative hemodynamic and respiratory stability and postoperative emergence delirium between two anaesthesia regimens in children (caudal block with intravenous continuous analgosedation versus general endotracheal anaesthesia) and intensity of postoperative pain and quality of postoperative analgesia. Method Forty children aged...

By Adisa Šabanović Adilović, Nermina Rizvanović, Harun Adilović, Malik Ejubović, Azur Jakić, Hajrija Maksić, Dušica Simić

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