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Video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy for congenital cystic adenomatoid malformations

Amina Selimović ,
Amina Selimović
Contact Amina Selimović

Department of Pulmonology, Pediatric Clinic, University Clinical Center of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Edo Hasanbegović ,
Edo Hasanbegović

Department of Hematology-Oncology, University Clinical Center of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ermina Mujičić ,
Ermina Mujičić

Department of Cardiac Anesthesiology, Clinic for Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Intensive Care, University Clinical Center of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Selma Milišić ,
Selma Milišić

School of Medicine, University of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Emir Haxhija ,
Emir Haxhija

Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Surgery, Medical University of Graz , Graz , Austria

Kenan Karavdić ,
Kenan Karavdić

Department of Pediatric Surgery, University Clinical Center of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Alen Pilav
Alen Pilav

Department of Thoracic Surgery, University Clinical Center of Sarajevo , Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina


The aim was to show rare cases of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) and the manner of its surgical
treatment with video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS).
Two male and one female child, 7, 4 and 3 years of age were treated for symptoms of cough and high temperature in district hospitals. In all three children laboratory blood tests and chest radiography were done. Auscultatory findings showed the presence of pneumonia. Children were treated with appropriate doses of antibiotics. After the rehabilitation of inflammation, they were sent to the University Clinical Center Sarajevo, where video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy (VATS) was indicated after computerized tomography (CT).
Chest CT scan pointed to the CCAM and pulmonary sequestration (PS) changes to the lungs. This has required surgery
lobectomy of an affected part of the lungs. In two children with PS, the aberrant systemic artery came from the most proximal part of aorta abdominals, the third patient did not have an anomalous artery.
VATS lobectomy is an alternative to the traditional thoracotomy for the treatment of CCAM and PS, however, it should be investigated in the future for its safety and effectiveness.


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Zaključak VATS lobektomija je alternativna metoda za tradicionalnu lobektomiju za liječenje CCAM-a i PS-a, ali će njena sigurnost i učinkovitost u budućnosti biti predmet istraživanja. Ključne riječi: plućne malformacije, torakoskopska hirurgija, plućna sekvestracija n.d.
Rezultati CT grudnog koša je pokazao CCAM i plućnu sekvestraciju (PS), te je bila potrebna lobektomija da se odstrani dio zahvaćenog plućnog tkiva. Kod dvoje djece s PS-om aberantna krvna žila poticala je od proksimalnog dijela trbušne aorte, dok treće dijete nije imalo PS n.d.
Metode Dva muška djeteta i jedno žensko dijete, u dobi od 7, 4 i 3 godine, liječeni su zbog simptoma kašlja i povišene temperature u regionalnoj bolnici. Kod sve troje djece urađena su laboratorijska ispitivanja krvi i radiografija grudnog koša. Auskultatorni nalazi su pokazali prisutnost upale pluća. Djeca su liječena odgovarajućim dozama antibiotika. Nakon izliječenja upale, transportovani su do Kliničkog centra Univerziteta u Sarajevu, gdje je nakon kompjuterizirane tomografije (CT) urađena video-asistirana torakoskopska lobektomija (VATS) n.d.
Odjel dječije hirurgije, 7 Odjel grudne hirurgije; Univerzitetski klinički centar Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina SAŽETAK Cilj Prikazati rijetki slučaj urođenih malformacija disajnih puteva (CCAM) i način njihovog hirurškog liječenja s video n.d.
Amina Selimović n.d.;(2).
Video-asistirana torakoskopska lobektomija kod kongenitalne cistične adenomatoidne malformacije n.d.
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