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Aim Evacuation through burr hole craniostomy is the most common type of chronic subdural hematoma surgical treatment,with a morbidity rate of 0-9%.Methods Here we present a case of 66-year-old Caucasian woman with bilateral hemispheric chronic subdural hematoma andleft transtentorial uncal herniation. Bilateral burr hole craniostomy with gradual an...

By Rodolfo Corinaldesi, Corrado Filippo Castrioto, Francesca Romana Barbieri, Luciano Mastronardi, Umberto Ripani

Aim Facial aesthetics is at present a concept intricately linked to the degree of self-esteem. Unwanted submental fat (SMF) leads to an unattractive submental profile. Sodium deoxicolate (ATX) -101 is the only injectable drug approved to decrease submental fat of moderate to severe intensity.Methods We carried out a bibliographic review in PubMed u...

By Cristina Ibáñez-Vicente, Miguel Carrato-Gomez, Luigi Meccariello, Umberto Ripani, Michele Bisaccia

Aim The use of PecS block 1 as perioperative analgesia for a central catheter removal-reimplantation combined procedure. Methods A 55-year-old woman suffering from peritoneal metastases from gastric cancer needed to have a port-a-cath implanted for infection removed and to have a central venous catheter (CVC) implanted in the homolateral axillary v...

By Massimo Renzini, Umberto Ripani, Luisa Golia, Fulvio Nisi, Fabio Gori

Aim To report our indications and limitations about the use of external fixation in children.Methods It was retrospectively reviewed all tibial fractures treated with monolateral and hybrid external fixator, at our three Centres. It was included 32 fractures which did not show an acceptable reduction after an attempt under anaesthesia. The exclusio...

By Michele Bisaccia, Giuseppe Rinonapoli, Salvatore Di Giacinto, Andrea Schiavone, Simone Lazzeri, David Gomez-Garrido, Juan Antonio Herrera-Molpeceres, Umberto Ripani, Cristina Ibáñez-Vicente, Giuseppe Rollo, Enrico Maria Bonura, Raffaele Franzese, Luigi Meccariello, Auro Caraffa

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