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Aim The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of a prospectively conducted interactive 5-day education programme based on Düsseldorf model on glycated haemoglobin (A1C), and total daily dose of insulin in type 1 diabetes patients. Methods A total of 67 type 1 diabetes patients was analysed; mean age of 11±0.68 years, 43 females and...

By Diana Štimjanin-Koldžo, Salem Alajbegović, Ena Štimjanin, Jasmina Mehinagić

Aim To investigate total homocysteine (tHcy) serum concentration in patients with probable vascular dementia (VD) and in agematched controls, as well as to determine an association between tHcy serum concentration and cognitive impairment in patients with probable VD. Methods Serum concentration of tHcy was determined by the Fluorescence Polarizati...

By Salem Alajbegović, Orhan Lepara, Almira Hadžović-Džuvo, Alma Mutevelić-Turković, Lejla Alajbegović, Asija Zaćiragić, Nesina Avdagić, Amina Valjevac, Nermina Babić, Amela Dervišević

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