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Aim Clips in neurosurgery are made of titanium alloys, which reduce artifacts on computed tomography (CT). The radiological advantage of plastic clips on the CT image was demonstrated when they were placed in an inter-hemispherical position at an angle of 90º. The aim of this study was to investigate the behaviour of the clip placed at differe...

By Samir Delibegović, Mirela Delibegović, Muhamed Katica, Muamer Obhodžaš, Muhamed Ođuz

Athletes who train in public places in urban and rural areas are justas attacked and injured by dogs of known owners as they are bydogs with no owners, in a relatively equal proportion. The largestnumber of bites occurs in the summer, what makes up half of allbites, just when sports activity is most pronounced. Athletes whoare most often exposed to...

By Muhamed Katica, Nadža Kapo, Nasreldin Hassan Ahmed, Anida Kapo-Gurda, Safet Kapo

The coexistence of humans and dogs, in addition to all positive effects, can result in negative effects on human health. A particular risk is posed by a population of stray dogs, that is, dogs without owners and veterinary supervision. A contact with dogs in addition to bites, carries the risk of viral, bacterial and parasitic zoonoses, and can als...

By Muhamed Katica, Zarema Obradović, Nasreldin Hassan Ahmed, Enra Mehmedika-Suljić, Žana Stanić, Rowida Seifeldin Abdalaziz Mohamed, Emina Dervišević

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