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Aim To analyse prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in kidney transplant recipients at the University Clinical Centre Tuzla inBosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and determine effects of a modern drug therapy in achieving target metabolic control in kidney transplant patients.Methods A single-centre prospective study that included 142 kidney transpl...

By Maida Dugonjić-Taletović, Denijal Tulumović, Mirna Alečković-Halilović, Mirha Pjanić, Mithad Hajder, Alma Halilčević-Terzić, Danijela Lončar, Amila Jašarević

Aim To evaluate the clinical impact of corticosteroids (CS) overuse in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. Excessive use of CS could delay more efficacious treatment and may indicate poor quality of care.Method This is a two-phase study that used Steroid Assessment Tool (SAT) to measure corticosteroid exposure in IBD patients. In the first p...

By Mirela Bašić Denjagić, Mirna Alečković-Halilović, Lejla Rakovac-Tupković, Predrag Jovanović, Zlatan Mehmedović, Enver Zerem

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