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Aim To evaluate vertebral bone marrow adiposity (BMA) using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in postmenopausal women and to determine an association of bone density with bone marrow fat content. Methods This cross-sectional study included 120 postmenopausal women referred for osteoporosis screening. All women underwent assessment of bone miner...

By Lejla Milišić, Sandra Vegar-Zubović, Amina Valjevac, Suada Hasanović-Vučković

Aim To identify short-term effects of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) on renal function in children and adolescents with single kidney stones. Methods In a 4-year period 30 children (15 boys and 15 girls) from 10 to 18 years of age were treated for unilateral renal stones with ESWL. Inclusion criteria were: up to 18 years of age, kidne...

By Emir Milišić, Zlatan Zvizdić, Asmir Jonuzi, Edin Begić, Lejla Milišić, Amira Mešić

Aim To investigate a correlation between resistive index (RI) level changes following extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) in treated and non-treated kidneys depending on the ESWL treatment intensity. The study was conducted on 60 subjects, which were divided in two groups according to age and treatment protocol. Results In the group of pat...

By Emir Milišić, Zlatan Zvizdić, Asmir Jonuzi, Mustafa Hiroš, Lejla Milišić, Amira Mešić, Edin Begić

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