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Aim To investigate risk factors for the development of prosthetic joint infection.Methods A group of 50 patients with periprosthetic infection was compared with a group of 100 randomly selected patients with total hip or knee arthroplasty without infectious complications. Twelve risk factors in both groups were analysed. Results Five factors showed...

By Jozef Breznicky, Marian Hlavac, Martin Novak, Matej Hrncar

Aim Hand hygiene practice is still burdened by inadequate compliance, whether in the professional sphere by health professionals or in the non-professional sphere by lay population. Aim of this study was to map the hand hygiene knowledge and its compliance in the monitored group of people. MethodsThe research was conducted at the Jessenius Faculty ...

By Martin Novák, Jozef Breznický, Jana Kompaníková, Nora Malinovská, Henrieta Hudečková

Aim To determine the spectrum of causative agent of prosthetic joint infections in orthopaedics.Methods In the group of 50 patients with periprosthetic infection the results of microbiological analysis of minimally two samplesgained intraoperatively were analysed.Results The only pathogen in the group of acute infection was Staphylococcus (S.) aure...

By Jozef Breznicky, Martin Novak

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