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Aim Examination of the effectiveness of STR loci in proving sibship of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian village of Orahovica andthe formation of a “grey zone“.Methods The probability of sibship was determined by calculating the likelihood ratio (LR) parameter for each of the 15 observedSTR loci and for each of the pairs of relatives and non-re...

By Jasmin Mušanović, Azra Metović, Esad Pepić, Almira Lujinović, Adnan Fojnica, Faruk Husremović, Damir Šečić, Damir Marjanović, Jasmin Šutković

AimTo determine differences in quantitative traits of digital dermatoglyphics between breast cancer women and the women in the control group (healthy women). Methods This case-control study included digital dermatoglyphics of 50 patients with confirmed breast cancer diagnosis compared with 50 healthy examinees with the absence of familial history o...

By Jasmin Mušanović, Azra Metović, Faruk Husremović, Samir Bejić, Aldina Hasković, Aida Babić, Senad Šljuka

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