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09.10.2020. Review paper Biochemistry
A new prognostic pelvic injury outcome score

Aim To propose a new prognostic classification system for pelvic injuries based on a new detailed and all-encompassing evaluation of the injury pelvic outcome score and to check the prognostic value of this classification and evaluate its reliability and reproducibility.Methods From January 2017 to June 2020 from 156 pelvic fractures treated at our...

By Luigi Meccariello, Cristina Razzano, Cristina De Dominicis, Juan Antonio Herrera-Molpeceres, Francesco Liuzza, Rocco Erasmo, Guido Rocca, Michele Bisaccia, Enzo Pagliarulo, Pietro Cirfeda, David Gómez Garrido, Giuseppe Pica, Giuseppe Rollo

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