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Aim To examine the presence of morphologic variations of occipital sulci patternsin patients with schizophrenia and migraine headacheregarding gender and laterality using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).MethodsThis study included 80 patients and brain scans were performed to analyze interhemispheric symmetry and the sulcalpatterns of the occipital...

By Gorana Sulejmanpašić, Enra Suljić, Selma Šabanagić-Hajrić

Aim To examine the presence of depressive symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis relapse and its relation to disability and relapse severity.Methods This study included 120 patients who were assessed during the acute relapse of multiple sclerosis according to McDonald criteria. Depression was assessed using Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-I...

By Selma Šabanagić-Hajrić, Enra Suljić, Gorana Sulejmanpašić-Arslanagić

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.