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Aim To explore the experiences of registered nurses in assessing postoperative pain in hip fracture patients suffering from dementia in nursing homes. Methods The study was designed as a qualitative study using data from a self-reported questionnaire form. Data were collected through the self-administered questionnaire with 23 questions, mainly add...

By Ferid Krupić, Mirza Bišćević, Emina Spahić, Amila Jašarević, Mahir Jašarević, Kemal Grbić, Eric Hamrin-Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Svemir Čustović, Olof Westin

10.05.2019. Review paper Biochemistry
Antidepressant treatment outcomes in family medicine

Aim To determine the prevalence of depressive episodes and recurrent depressive disorders despite of the length of therapy and type of antidepressants.Methods The study was conducted among 508 patients aged 19-65 years who were treated for depression for at least 3 months (mild and moderate episodes were controlled and the effects of treatment moni...

By Subhija Prasko, Nurka Pranjić, Larisa Gavran, Alma Alić, Ibrahim Gledo, Enisa Ramić, Emina Spahić, Erna Prasko, Irma Ramić

Aim To investigate association of mean platelet volume (MPV) and glycemic control markers, and whether MPV could be used as a predictor of deterioration of glucoregulation in Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2) patients.Methods The cross-sectional study included 106 DMT2 patients, treated at the Primary Health Care Centre in Zenica, distributedinto gro...

By Damira Kadić, Sabaheta Hasić, Emina Spahić

Aim To assess serum levels and correlation between uric acid (UA) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in acute coronary syndrome(ACS) and apparently healthy individuals.Methods The cross-sectional study included 116 examinees of age 44 to 83 years, distributed in two groups: 80 ACS patientsincluding 40 with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and 40 with u...

By Emina Spahić, Sabaheta Hasić, Emina Kiseljaković, Halima Resić, Mehmed Kulić

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.