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Aim To examine the correlation between personality traits, learning styles, and academic achievement and a difference between students' gender, residency status and academic achievement. Methods The study included 95 students of first year of the School of Medicine, University of Sarajevo. The survey used the sociodemographic questionnaire, Index o...

By Amela Džubur, Delila Lisica, Damir Abdulahović, Malik Ejubović

Aim To examine the relationship of protective factors (self-esteem, optimism, proactive coping), and a measure of psychological resistance in women diagnosed with breast cancer, and the contribution of protective factors in explaining the criterion of posttraumatic growth. Methods The study included 100 women diagnosed with breast cancer. To examin...

By Delila Lisica, Jadranka Kolenović-Ðapo, Amela Džubur, Damir Abdulahović, Malik Ejubović

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.