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Aim Uncommon and rare hip diseases are sources of pain and functional limitation particularly in young patients. Some of these conditions may be nowadays treated by arthroscopy due to the expertise and technical tips that high-volume hip arthroscopies have achieved during the last decades ensuring a wider range of indications for such a procedure. ...

By Christian Carulli, Alberto Schiavo, Alberto Rigon, Wondi De Marchi, Matteo Innocenti, Luigi Meccariello, Massimo Innocenti

Aim Periprosthetic fracture after knee arthroplasty occurs more frequently in the supracondylar area of femur, especially after low energy trauma associated with torsional or compressive forces. Several techniques have been described for the treatment of displaced fractures. The aim of this study is the evaluation of the outcomes and bone healing o...

By Giuseppe Rollo, Enrico Maria Bonura, Gazi Huri, Mario Ronga, Christian Carulli, Michele Bisaccia, Francesco Traina, Paolo Pichierri, Marco Filipponi, Marco Giaracuni, Danilo Leonetti, Luigi Meccariello

Aim The gradual increase in shoulder implants in active elderly patients has appeared in a parallel increase in periprosthetic humeral fractures. The aim of this study was to investigate the advantages of using strut grafting with plate fixation during periprosthetic humerus fractures.Methods Thirty patients diagnosed with periprosthetic humeral fr...

By Giuseppe Rollo, Michele Biserni, Gazi Huri, Christian Carulli, Mario Ronga, Michele Bisaccia, David Gomez-Garrido, Nezih Ziroglu, Enrico Maria Bonura, Andrea Alberto Ruberti, Andrea Schiavone, Luigi Meccariello

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