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Aim To compare the quality of the conditions for endotracheal intubation and muscle relaxation between rocuronium bromide and vecuronium bromide using the ''timing principle'' method for induction in anaesthesia. The "timing principle" includes the administration of muscle relaxants before the hypnotic agent during induction in anaesthesia. Method ...

By Senada Čaušević, Nermina Rizvanović, Belma Pojskić

Aim To compare efficacy and toxicity of bolus application of chemotherapy protocol, oxaliplatin, fluorouracil (bolus), leucovorin(folfox) between two groups of patients in the therapy of metastatic colorectal carcinoma (mCRC).Methods A total of 63 patients were treated for mCRC in the period January 2009 – January 2010 at the Department of On...

By Ibrahim Šišić, Belma Pojskić, Alma Mekić-Abazović, Vladimir Kovčin

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.