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Aim To determine the normative range of ultrasound dimensions for the liver, spleen and kidneys in healthy children according to gender, age, body measurements, body surface area (BSA), and the influence of ethnicity on organ size.Methods The prospective study included children, ranging from full-term neonates to children aged 15, with normal ultra...

By Nina Мekić, Nermin Salkić, Amela Selimović, Majda Mehmedović, Aida Brčić, Zlatan Mehmedović, Amra Šerak, Dijana Dugonjić

Aim To evaluate the clinical impact of corticosteroids (CS) overuse in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. Excessive use of CS could delay more efficacious treatment and may indicate poor quality of care.Method This is a two-phase study that used Steroid Assessment Tool (SAT) to measure corticosteroid exposure in IBD patients. In the first p...

By Mirela Bašić Denjagić, Mirna Alečković-Halilović, Lejla Rakovac-Tupković, Predrag Jovanović, Zlatan Mehmedović, Enver Zerem

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.