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Aim To investigate the effects of carbocisteine treatment in the reduction of frequency of productive cough episodes, preventing disease progression and improving the quality of life as well as the tolerability of the administered treatment and patient compliance during the study. Methods This observational, non-interventional, multicenter, cohort ...

By Esad Alibašić, Amira Skopljak, Aida Čengić, Gorana Krstović, Nataša Trifunović, Tarik Čatić, Belma Kapo, Meliha Mehić, Amila Hadžimuratović

Aim To investigate and assess knowledge and attitudes of pharmacists and physicians towards generic drugs prescription in order to evaluate current trends, obstacles to prescribe/dispense generics and suggest possible improvements of rational and economic prescribing having in mind scarce public budgets for drugs.Methods A cross-sectional survey am...

By Tarik Čatić, Lejla Avdagić, Igor Martinović

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.