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Aim To investigate a correlation between cervical canal infection and imminent preterm labor and to identify most frequent pathogens.Methods A prospective study was conducted in obstetrics/gynecology departments of Health Center and the University ClinicalCenter Tuzla, and General Hospital Tešanj (Bosnia and Herzegovina, B&H) between Oct...

By Larisa Mešić Ðogić, Nenad Lučić, Dragana Mićić, Feđa Omeragić, Enes Hodžić, Seid Fazlagić, Refka Kovač, Nevenka Pavlović

Aim To establish a correlation between positive values of IGFBP-1 (>10 mg/L, Actim Partus Test, APT) and premature cervical ripening in imminent preterm labor.Methods A prospective study was conducted in primary health care centers in Tuzla, Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic of theUniversity Clinical Centre in Tuzla and General Hospital Te&scaron...

By Larisa Mešić Ðogić, Dragana Mićić, Feđa Omeragić, Refka Kovač, Seid Fazlagić

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.