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Aim To report clinical, functional and radiographic results of oneincision distal biceps tendon repair with Toggle Loc (Zimmer-Biomet, Warsaw, Indiana, USA) at an average 4-year follow-up and to assess posterior interosseous nerve injury complications after reconstruction.Methods We conducted a retrospective review of 58 consecutive distal biceps t...

By Silvio Chiossi, Marco Spoliti, Pasquale Sessa, Valerio Arceri, Attilio Basile, Francesca Romana Rossetti, Riccardo Maria Lanzetti

Aim To demonstrate validity of a bio-metallic solution in bone healing combined with the quadriceps safe approach in the treatment of nonunions of distal femur while malunions were treated by metallic solution. Methods We treated 57 patients with nonunion or malunion of distal femur at the Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department of a single orthop...

By Giuseppe Rollo, Paolo Pichierri, Predrag Grubor, Antonio Marsilio, Michele Bisaccia, Milan Grubor, Valerio Pace, Riccardo Maria Lanzetti, Marco Giaracuni, Marco Filipponi, Luigi Meccariello

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.