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Aim Phlebotominae sandflies are primary vectors of phleboviruses, causing the sandfly fever disease. The aim of this study was to detect and report the presence of flaviviruses in Phlebotominae sandflies captured in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods After a microscopic and morphometric analysis, the final identification of collected Phlebotomus speci...

By Mirsada Hukić, Halida Avdihodžić, Ivan-Christian Kurolt, Alemka Markotić, Jasna Hanjalić, Lejla Kapur-Pojskić, Irma Mahmuljin, Monia Avdić, Irma Salimović-Bešić, Lejla Smajlović-Skenderagić

Aim To develop an online biofilm calculation tool (Biofilm Classifier), which calculates the optical density cut off value and accordingly determines the biofilm forming categories for the tested isolates by standardized formulas, as well as to compare the results obtained by Biofilm Classifier to manual calculations and the use of predefined value...

By Monia Avdić, Nermin Džuzić, Osman Hasanić, Amel Spahić, Lejla Smajlović Skenderagić, Almir Badnjević, Mirsada Hukić

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