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Aim The damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has made the prevention of its further spread at the top of the list of priorities of many governments and state institutions responsible for health and civil protection around the world. This prevention implies an effective system of epidemiological surveillance and the application of timely and effec...

By Mirza Ponjavić, Almir Karabegović, Elvir Ferhatbegović, Emin Tahirović, Selma Uzunović, Maja Travar, Aida Pilav, Maida Mulić, Sead Karakaš, Nermin Avdić, Zarina Mulabdić, Goran Pavić, Medina Bičo, Ivan Vasilj, Diana Mamić, Mirsada Hukić

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.