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Aim Several biomarkers are currently used as diagnostic and prognostic tools in patients with cancer. Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is elevated in acute and chronic inflammatory procedures and several observational studies during the last 20 years have investigated its role in oncology. The purpose of this article was to ...

By Themistoklis Paraskevas, Francesk Mulita, Christos Michailides, Georgios-Ioannis Verras, Elias Liolis, Eleousa Oikonomou, Ioannis Perdikaris, Panagiotis Perdikaris, Konstantinos Bouchagier, Ioannis Panagiotopoulos, Dimitrios-Ioannis Kasartzian, Dimitrios Filis, Levan Tchabashvili, Despoina Spyropoulou, Dimitrios Velissaris

Aim To present the experience from collective data regarding patients with retroperitoneal sarcomas that have been operated in and followed up by the University General Hospital of Patras in Rion, Greece, between 2009 and 2020.Methods A retrospective analysis of adult patients treated at our hospital with a diagnosis of primary retroperitoneal sarc...

By Georgios-Ioannis Verras, Francesk Mulita, Konstantinos Bouchagier, Dimitrios Bousis, Dimitrios Kehagias, Elias Liolis, Ioannis Perdikaris, Dimitrios Filis, Panagiotis Perdikaris, Ioannis Panagiotopoulos, Ioannis Maroulis, Nikolaos Benetatos

22.10.2021. Review paper Biochemistry
Cancer rate of Bethesda category II thyroid nodules

Aim Thyroid nodules are very common and may be found in more than 50% of the population. Fine-needle aspiration cytology(FNAC) of thyroid nodules is a very useful diagnostic tool with high sensitivity and predictive value for diagnosis. The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology (BSRTC) uses six categories for thyroid cytology reportin...

By Francesk Mulita, Fotios Iliopoulos, Christos Tsilivigkos, Levan Tchabashvili, Elias Liolis, Charalampos Kaplanis, Ioannis Perdikaris, Ioannis Maroulis

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.