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Aim To evaluate radiological and clinical outcomes of a case series of patients affected by glenohumeral instability (Bankart lesion) or superior labrum tear from anterior to posterior (SLAP) lesions treated by arthroscopic repair using all-suture anchors.Methods Patients were operated by a single surgeon at a single Institution. Exclusion criteria...

By Federico Sacchetti, Martina Di Meglio, Nicola Mondanelli, Nicola Bianchi, Vanna Bottai, Federico Cartei, Fabio Cosseddu, Rodolfo Capanna, Stefano Giannotti

Aim To compare a medial pivot (MP) total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with posterior stabilized (PS) TKA designs from a subjective, clinical and biomechanical point of view, in a single-centre, single-surgeon, case-control non-randomized trial.Methods Sixteen patients were randomly picked up from case series into each group. Subjective outcome was asses...

By Nicola Bianchi, Andrea Facchini, Nicola Mondanell, Federico Sacchetti, Roberta Ghezzi, Marco Gesi, Rodolfo Capanna, Stefano Giannotti

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.