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Aim In the scientific literature there are no papers that clarify which method of surgical fixation in transverse metacarpal fractures has the best functional outcomes. The aim of this study was to compare the hand strength obtained using two different methods in the treatment of these fractures.Methods A total of 52 patients who presented a transv...

By Andrea Pasquino, Alessandro Tomarchio, Enio De Cruto, Jacopo Conteduca, Damiano Longo, Valentina Russi, Giuseppe Pica, Luigi Meccariello, Giuseppe Rollo

Aim Proximal humeral fractures are common and most complex patterns currently represent a challenge for surgeons. Difficulties in obtaining good anatomical reduction (particularly of great tuberosity) often lead to unsatisfactory results; choices often fall onto prosthesis implantation against fixation options. The aim of this study was to compare ...

By Giuseppe Rollo, Giuseppe Porcellini, Roberto Rotini, Michele Bisaccia, Paolo Pichierri, Paolo Paladini, Enrico Guerra, Enio De Cruto, Raffaele Franzese, Predrag Grubor, Valerio Pace, Luigi Meccariello

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