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Aim Knee osteoarthritis is a common osteoarthritis, which limits individual’s activity and affects aspects of daily life and quality of life. The prevalence of osteoarthritis in Indonesians is still high, reaching 12.7% in women and 15.8% in men. Based on the WHO, the prevalence of osteoarthritis in the world is still high, with 18% in women ...

By Panji Sananta, Avicenna Rahmanda, Dhelya Widasmara, Eka Noviya Fuzianingsih

Aim Knee osteoarthritis is a common osteoarthritis, which limits individual’s activity and affects aspects of daily life and quality of life. The prevalence of osteoarthritis in Indonesians is still high, reaching 12.7% in women and 15.8% in men. Based on the WHO, the prevalence of osteoarthritis in the world is still high, with 18% in women ...

By Panji Sananta, Avicenna Rahmanda, Dhelya Widasmara, Eka Noviya Fuzianingsih

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