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Aim To determine factors associated with overweight/obesity in preschool children. Methods This cross-sectional study was carried out in paediatric outpatient departments of the Public Institution Primary Health Care Centre of Canton Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study included 300 preschool children who were divided into two groups: normal...

By Amira Kurspahić-Mujčić, Amra Mujčić

Aim To explore preventive health service utilization in patients treated by family physicians and the factors associated with their use. Methods This cross-sectional study was carried out in family medicine outpatient departments of the Primary Health Care Canter of Canton Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study included 300 patients (150 males...

By Amira Kurspahić-Mujčić, Amra Mujčić

Aim To investigate the relationship between educational level and self-reported physical and mental health in the population of Sarajevo Canton. Methods This cross-sectional study was carried out in family medicine outpatient departments of the Primary Health Care Centre of Sarajevo Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study included 300 respondents...

By Amira Kurspahić-Mujčić, Amra Mujčić

Aim To determine socioeconomic and demographic factors associated with abdominal obesity in women of childbearing age. Methods This cross-sectional study was carried out in family medicine outpatient departments of the Primary Health Care Centre of Canton Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study included 300 respondents who were divided into two...

By Amira Kurspahić-Mujčić, Emir Zećo

Aim To evaluate an impact of eight dimensions of self-rated health measured by the SF-36 questionnaire on visits to family physicians among people older than 65.Methods This cross-sectional study was carried out in family medicine outpatient departments of the Public Institution PrimaryHealth Care Center of Canton Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. ...

By Amira Kurspahić-Mujčić, Melisa Čalkić, Suad Sivić

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