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Functional gastrointestinal disorders in childhood (FGIDs) constitute a significant time-consuming clinical problem for healthcare practitioners, and they carry an important psychosocial burden for patients and their families. The aim of this study was to characterize etiology, clinical features, and interventions in a paediatric cohort of patients...

By Amela Selimović, Nina Mekić, Selma Terzić, Almira Ćosićkić, Evlijana Zulić, Majda Mehmedović

Aim To determine the normative range of ultrasound dimensions for the liver, spleen and kidneys in healthy children according to gender, age, body measurements, body surface area (BSA), and the influence of ethnicity on organ size.Methods The prospective study included children, ranging from full-term neonates to children aged 15, with normal ultra...

By Nina Мekić, Nermin Salkić, Amela Selimović, Majda Mehmedović, Aida Brčić, Zlatan Mehmedović, Amra Šerak, Dijana Dugonjić

Aim To determine risk factors associated with the development and severity of secondary hyperparathyroidism in dialysis patients.Methods A cross-sectional study at the Clinical Centre of the University of Tuzla (March 2022) included 104 adult patients (males 51.9%, females 48.1%) with chronic kidney diseases under dialysis treatment. Based on parat...

By Sehveta Mustafić, Alma Mujić-Ibralić, Fatima Hukić, Mirza Atić, Amila Jašarević, Daniela Lončar, Humera Porobić-Jahić, Amela Selimović, Nedim Jahić

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