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22.09.2019. Review paper Biochemistry
Influence of thyroid hormones on bone density

Aim To investigate the relations between hormonal status of the thyroid gland and mineral bone density in women in menopause with or without osteoporosis. MethodsThe study included 120 postmenopausal women, who were divided into two groups. Group I included postmenopausal patients with osteoporosis, of whom 30 were in the early stages of postmenopa...

By Alden Begić, Amela Begić, Ajla Arnautović-Halimić

Aim To determine the acceleration of birth weight and birth length of newborns in the municipalities of Tuzla Canton in the last four decades. Tuzla Canton (TC) as an administrative territorial unit of the FBiH includes 13 municipalities.Methods In this retrospective study data from the Protocol Book of Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic, University ...

By Amela Begić, Jasminka H. Halilović, Lejla Mešalić, Sabina H.Halilović

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