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Aim The two most commonly used implants for treatment of trochanteric fractures are the dynamic hip screw (DHS) and proximal femoral nail antirotation (PFNA). The aim of this study was to evaluate blood loss in patients with trochanteric fracture treated with DHS or PFNA.Methods This retrospective comparative study included 61 patients with trochan...

By Mirza Sivro, Faruk Lazović, Ðemil Omerović, Adnan Papović

Aim To determine differences between reviparin and dalteparin treatment in patients with extracapsular hip fractures treated with intramedullary nailing and their effects on perioperative blood loss and early postoperative recovery.Methods Retrospective comparative study included 68 patients with extracapsular hip fracture who were divided into dal...

By Mirza Sivro, Faruk Lazović, Ðemil Omerović, Tarik Kapidžić, Adnan Papović, Mirza Omerčević, Harun Selimović

Aim To investigate the effect of kinesiotherapy on muscle strengthening in patients with Parkinon's disease. MethodsThis clinical retrospective-prospective study was based on collected data from medical histories and included 40 patients, who, beside medicaments, had undergone kinesiotherapy. This study analysed age, gender, duration of the rehabil...

By Edina Tanović, Adnana Talić-Tanović, Jasminka Ðelilović-Vranić, Amir Rekić, Adnan Papović, Emina Tanović

Aim To demonstrate the effects of early diagnosis of overuse syndrome in the wrist on healing, pain intensity and quick recovery to daily work and sport activities. Methods This clinical retrospective study included 60 patients of both sexes aged from 22 to 44 years, with pain in the wrist and clinical signs of creeping tenosynovitis. Patients were...

By Adnana Talić Tanović, Edina Tanović, Mevludin Mekić, Ivanka Mađar Šimić, Adnan Papović, Hadžan Konjo

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.