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Aim To validate surgical costotransversectomy as a technique for creating a scoliosis model in minipigs and to assess whether differences in approach (posterior medial approach, posterior paramedial approach and anterior approach by video-assisted thoracoscopy) lead to differences in the production of spinal deformity. Creation of disease models in...

By Javier Cervera-Irimi, Álvaro González-Miranda, Óscar Riquelme-García, Jesus Burgos-Flores, Carlos Barrios-Pitarque, Pedro García-Barreno, Azucena García-Martín, Eduardo Hevia-Sierra, Giuseppe Rollo, Luigi Meccariello, Luigi Caruso, Michele Bisaccia

This is the new Medicinski Glasnik journal webpage. Previous issues can be accessed on the old webpage until full migration is completed.